

Please start by entering the user name you would like to use for this site.
Once you have done this, please complete your personal and organisation details.

Your organisation details will determine the courses that you will be enrolled on when you first login. You will also be able to manually enrol on other courses in the course library.

Please only complete this form once as completing this form several times creates several entries.

For an explanation of how the self-registration process works, please read the 'Validation process' section in the right hand column.

User details
 Required field
 Required field

Fields marked with an asterisk ( Required field ) are required.

Validation process

Approved email addresses

If you register with an approved email address you will instantly receive an email containing a validation link.
Clicking on the validation link will activate your account and you will be emailed your login details.

If any email addressess have been approved they will be listed here.

  • hillsong.co.uk

Other email addresses

If no approved addresses are listed or you register with an email address not on the list your request will be sent to the site administrator for validation.
The site administrator will then decide whether to accept or reject your registration request.
If your request is accepted you will receive an email with your login details.
If your request is rejected you will receive an email to confirm this and you will need to contact the site administrator directly.